5 Ingenious Ways for You to Rid Your Pond of Mosquitoes

Late Oklahoma summers are the perfect time to own a pond in your background. The aquatic flora is blooming, and the fish are active. There’s an idyllic lull in the evening; you can hear the gentle caress of the water and the chirping cicadas. But wait. What is that annoyingly familiar buzz? Mosquitoes? Not again!

Ponds are ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Not only do these pests bite you and suck your blood, but they also interfere with the clarity and quality of the pond water. The eggs laid in the pond eventually hatch into larvae which later become adult mosquitoes. Removing adult mosquitoes is a difficult task, and no matter how advanced your pest control methods are, you are likely to struggle to make a dent in their population.

The best way to curb a mosquito population is to kill the larvae waiting to hatch in your pond. There are several different mosquito treatments you can apply to get rid of the larvae. Most don’t even involve harmful chemicals that are feared to be detrimental to aquatic life.

How to Keep Your Pond Free of Mosquitoes?

The Water Must Be in Constant Movement

Mosquito eggs are unable to survive in moving water. In the absence of current, stagnant ponds provide ideal breeding environments for mosquito larvae. Adding electric aeration pumps or a fountain to your pond ensures that the water is kept in constant motion. A fountain also acts as a decorative feature.

Aeration also has other benefits; it boosts air circulation and creates healthier habitats for your aquatic wildlife and vegetation.

Reduce Algal Growth

Have you wondered how the larvae obtain food in the pond? Yes, correct, it is from the algal growth. Garden ponds are laden with thick layers of algae that serve as food sources for larvae ready to develop into adult mosquitoes. Simply using an algaecide can eliminate the food source, thereby effectively controlling the growth of the mosquito population. Doing away with the algae also makes your pond look cleaner and more aesthetic.

Get Help from Some Pond Friends

There are a lot of fish and pond friends that help you out with your existing mosquito problem. Killifishes, top minnows, and tadpoles are the most popular options for garden ponds. You can also do a bit of research on OKC’s local ecosystem and find a species that is native to your region and takes care of mosquito larvae without threatening the other wildlife present in your pond.

Treat the Water with Insecticide

Treating the pond with insecticides can be another effective mosquito treatment to eliminate mosquitoes. Dunks containing Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (or anything laced with BTI) will do the trick. These mosquito dunks are functional for up to 30 days.

IMPORTANT NOTE - Never use a chemical insecticide in or around your pond. This is going to decimate the aquatic flora and fauna. To reiterate, bacterial insecticides are the perfect alternative since they kill larvae but do not cause harm to fish, plants, and birds.

Keep the Surrounding Vegetation Trimmed and Tidy

Lush shrubbery and moist bushes have long been popular as adult mosquito hideouts. Make a point to trim and tidy up the overgrowth every couple of months.

Mother Nature’s Pest & Lawn Services for Mosquito Control

Mother Nature’s Pest & Lawn Services, OKC will take care of your yard and pond’s mosquito infestation aided by its expert-elected mosquito treatments. We also offer action plans to prevent the problem from returning in the future. We also have monthly plans where our exterminators visit your property every month to make sure everything is in good keep.