6 Sure-fire DIY Ways to Keep Pests at Bay

To eliminate common household pests like ants or spiders, calling a professional pest control service once in a while is fine. But for most of us, doing so on a regular basis can be impractical. Weekends are your time to relax and unwind, so you would rather not have to deal with pest exterminators then.

Keeping your OKC home clean and tidy is critical for a number of reasons, including the reduction of pests and the improvement of air quality and personal health. By maintaining a consistent cleaning schedule, you will be able to limit the number of common household pests such as spiders, ants and cockroaches.

Read on to how to do this so that you can do your pest control the right way.

Cleanliness Is Not a Choice; it’s Mandatory:

Maintaining a spotless environment is the first step in pest management. Pests thrive in unsanitary conditions, so you must maintain a spotless home at all times. The question is, however, how can you ensure that your home is always spotless? It's not too complicated, really. Keep your floor and a few frequently used appliances clean by wiping them down frequently. A simple fact is that the cleaner a place is, the fewer pests will choose to call it home, so this will help a great deal.

Seal the Cracks Instantly:

The second step is to prevent these pests from entering in the first place by checking for and sealing any openings you find. Insects like ants and cockroaches, which are common household pests, could easily enter and hide in these crevices. Insects and other pests can enter your home through the tiniest holes. Cracks and crevices are common entry points for ants, while mice will use any opening they can find. If you use silicon chalk to seal off these potential points of entry, you should be able to significantly reduce the number of pests in your home. However, you must rely on professional assistance for permanent satisfaction.

Keeping Your Food Open Is a Big No:

This is a serious problem that you must address if you want to keep unwanted pests out of your home, as open food sources attract them. The pests' acute sense of smell allows them to quickly zero in on the source of nourishment. In fact, the smell of food is a major attractant for pests. This is why it is important to always keep food covered, as pests are attracted to the smell of food and will invade your home if they find it.

Decluttering Is Inevitable:

Clean up your space, as messes provide pests with a comfortable hiding place. Every one of them enjoys those ineptness and lack of depth. Clutter provides ideal conditions for them, so if you have any, you should eliminate it. As you get rid of old belongings, you'll also be removing potential hiding places for pests. In addition, this method is highly effective for pest control. Therefore, you should give it a shot.

Using Oil:

Apply oil; insects have a hard time tolerating its odour. Lavender, tea tree and kerosene are just some of the oils that you can apply to the affected areas to get rid of pests. Both spraying and sprinkling applications are acceptable. If you want to get rid of ants and flies, try this approach.

Set a Trap For Them:

Insect and pest control requires the use of specialized equipment. Because of how crafty pests can be, you'll need to employ some dexterity of your own to defeat them. As we were saying before, open food attracts pests; all you have to do is be cunning about it. What you need to do, we are about to explain. To poison food, one must first do the preparation. In other words, they will be trapped as soon as they give in to the temptation of food. Eventually, you will resolve the issue.

Relying on Professionals:

Doing it all by yourself can be overwhelming. You will have to call for a professional in OKC to get rid of these insects. Do not delay to call Mother Nature’s Pest & Lawn Services for your pest control whenever you locate signs of infestation.