Dangers of Mice Infestations: Explore

A mice infestation in American homes is so common you might almost think they are not a cause of immediate concern. We have bad news. Common doesn't equal okay and there are multiple health concerns that you need to be aware of.

Mice also destroy your property and will chew up just about anything. Chewed up clothes, power cables and sometimes even furniture is the stuff of nightmares.

Save yourselves and your belongings by calling in Rodent control. We will take care of exterminating the mice without you having to worry about anything.

How to Identify If Your Home Has A Rodent Infestation?

Usually, the most common signs of a mice Infestation will be droppings. If you end up finding fecal droppings in random nooks and crannies of the house, chances are the mice are responsible. According to mice exterminators, you can identify mice droppings by their small size, pointy ends and dark color. Older droppings can also look dry and chalky. Always remember to avoid direct contact with the feces as they are known to carry disease carrying pathogens. Use gloves when getting rid of the droppings.

It is also common to hear squeaking sounds at night. Mice are most active at night, and you may hear squeaky noises coming from cabinets, wardrobes, drawers etc.

Rodent control says sometimes you might even come across a nest. Mice nests look like holes and are mostly found in walls, pantries, cabinets etc. Nests are usually close to a food/water source and it is always a good idea to start with such areas when scouting for mice nests.

Why Are Mice So Dangerous?

Mice are cute, we know that. But hours of Tom and Jerry as a kid has possibly desensitized you to how pesky and dangerous these pests actually are.

Mice Spread Diseases

The two ways mice spread diseases is through their urine and fecal droppings and by contaminating your food. Here are some of the common diseases associated with mice:

  • Hantavirus - More common in deer mice, hantavirus is found in their urine and feces. Even the dust left behind once the urine dries is disease causing. Initial stages of hantavirus involve fever, chills and shortness of breath along with body pain. As the days go by, patients develop incessant coughing with worsening respiratory problems. Hantavirus can be fatal if not treated on time. It has a mortality rate of 38%.

  • Salmonella - Mice spread salmonella through contaminated food. Salmonella has similar symptoms to that of food poisoning. It causes diarrhea, vomiting, fever and abdominal cramps. While salmonella isn't life threatening, it certainly takes a toll on your health and will compromise your ability to function normally.

  • If you have pregnant women, infants/young children or transplant recipients in your household, salmonella can give rise to serious complications.

  • Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis - House mice are the primary hosts of the Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus (LMCV). The virus spreads through the urine, droppings and saliva of the infected rodent. Sometimes it can also transmit via a bite. It causes meningitis, encephalitis, meningoencephalitis and motor abnormalities. If someone contract LMCV, hospitalize immediately. LMCV infection is treated through supportive therapy and usually does not require specific drug treatment.

Mice Will Ruin Your House

Mice love gnawing on things. They will find a way into your wardrobe and chew your favorite tops, ruin your electronics by cutting through cables. Sometimes the entire house can shut down if mice have a go at your wiring. Naked wires also increase the chances of sparking a fire.

Mice leave droppings all around your house and in addition to health concerns, are unsightly as well.

Even your dry walls, piping and insulation isn't safe from these tiny, ever-nibbling monsters. A mice exterminator will relieve you of such potential disasters.

How to Get Rid of Mice in Your Home?

Mother Nature's rodent control services have decades of experience in rendering your house mice-free. Contact us to schedule our services today and avail $30 off! Take your house back with the best rodent control in Oklahoma City.