Debunking the Well-Known Myths About Bed Bugs

Can any creature bug you more than a bed bug? If a big NO comes out of your mouth, you are not alone. These tiny little pieces of danger love the taste of your blood and can set your frustration limit to infinity.

The problem arises with a significant rise in their infestation. So, before letting the OKC's best pest control professionals in the main picture, you must familiarize yourself with some misconceptions.

The myths about these little Dracula outweigh the information. Consider this post as a truth-exposing guide, helping you wake up from the lies of bed bug misconceptions.

Quick Reproducer

Unlike other insects, bedbugs do not reproduce quickly. An adult female lays about one egg every day. These eggs take a minimum of ten days to hatch and up to several weeks to let the baby turn adult.

Flight Mode

As bedbugs are devoid of wings, they cannot fly. Of course, you can expect some miracle by putting a blow dryer behind these creatures. Then flight is possible for a minimum of 1.2 meters.

Night Attack

Besides being nocturnal, bedbugs are somewhat like humans- they will look for food when they feel hungry. No time is an obstruction for these tiny beings, whether daytime or nighttime. So, if you thought that turning a light on could solve your problem, let the myth bubble pop!

No-Food Survival Plans

Knowing about the bed bug misconceptions is crucial before taking help from OKC's best pest control experts. One such myth is that bedbugs can survive for 365 days without a meal. According to scientists, these pests can live only a few months without blood. However, as they are cold-blooded, their metabolism falls in colder climates. In such situations, bed bugs may survive up to a year without relying on food.

Preference for Urban Conditions

One can find these pests anywhere from homeless shelters to high-altitude regions. In short, they do not like discrimination of any kind. Hence their presence is not the result of their preference but your negligence. You must rely on the best and most cost-effective strategies to wave them goodbye.

Body Travelers

Bedbugs cannot stand the heat. Hence, they will not cling to your skin or hair (like ticks or lice). These bugs use luggage, backpacks, and shoes as their ideal modes of transportation.

Spilling the Beans

Mother Nature's Pest and Lawn offer OKC's best-in-class pest control services. We understand your concerns about sleepless nights. With our expert solution and a whopping $50 off on your first treatment, you get what you deserve- peace of mind. Let the treatment begin!