Effective Preventive Tips to Keep Away Bedbugs While Traveling

Many people who love to travel have started packing again! We cannot travel to various places and have to stay in the house due to Covid-19. But now as the covid regulations are letting up, therefore, many people are traveling. But there are a few problems that you have to tackle to make your journey smoother.

However, one of the most disgusting problems that you may face is bed bugs. Here, we have shared a few tips to avoid bed bugs while traveling so that you do not have to worry about anything and minimize the risks easily. However, there is also a chance that you can also notice the bed bugs in your mattress. In that case, you should hire a bed bug exterminator as soon as possible to prevent them from spreading.

Check behind the Furniture

Bed bugs do not only stay in beds but also behind the picture frames, in furniture, baseboards, wallpaper, sofas and headboards. You can take a flashlight to inspect the items quickly. If you find any bugs there, then you should change the hotels or rooms immediately.

Don’t Keep the Luggage on the Bed

First of all, you have to check the room to see if there are any bed bugs. You should not keep the luggage on the bed until the inspection is done. But you can keep them in the middle of the floor.

Cover the Suitcases

Covering the suitcase is a better solution to prevent the bed bugs from entering them. You can cover the luggage in a plastic trash bag or protective cover until the inspection is done in your room. When you return to your house, you should discard the bags and after that place the suitcase in your house.

Use the Vacuum

After you enter your house, you should vacuum the luggage. For doing that, you can use a heated garment steamer over the luggage. If there are any bed bugs remaining in your luggage, then it kills the bugs. Keep in mind that bedbugs and their eggs cannot survive over 122 degrees Fahrenheit.

Wash with Hot Water

After unpacking your luggage, you should throw the clothes in the washing machine so that no bugs can hide in your house anymore. You should also dump the clothes in the machine. After that, you have to run the clothes on the hot water cycle and then dry them high to kill if there any bed bugs remain.

Contact Us

If you do not want that bed bug to attack you while sleeping, then contact the bed bug exterminator. You can also consult with Mother Nature's Pest & Lawn in Tulsa, OKC to know their estimated quotes.