Know the Signs That Indicate Your Home Has Bed Bugs

The night was nicety told to bleary-eyed children at bedtime, when the kids "good night … sleeping tight, don't let the bugs strike." Bed bugs were just a vision of a past threat. The notion of bed bugs was so old-fashioned, almost quaint.

We all know today that bedbugs are anything but annoying insects. Such pests are a direct danger to our home comfort and security and no longer the stories of sleeping. You should know that you have bed bugs in your house if you wake up in blood on your bed sheets or if you have red itchy bump on your face. The fact of the matter is that bed bugs look like other bugs. Some people respond clearly, others do not. But, it is important to call a bed bug exterminator whenever you notice the below mention signs in your home.

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So, How Do You Know If You've Got Bed Bugs?

What You Can Notice?

  • Look for stains. Brownish-red stains can be dead bed bugs on your sheets or mattresses. Bug-filled excrement may be dark spots.

  • There is a presence of soft, yellow skin casings and tiny eggs.

  • The air has a weird smell, owing to the scent glands of the bugs.

Where Can They Hide?

  • Chairs and sleeves crevices, inside sheets, in curtains folding.

  • In junctions of box.

  • In receptacles and electronic equipment.

  • Wall and hangings in loose wallpapers.

  • The corners where the walls intersect with the ceiling.

  • Case, boxes and footwear.

It is very difficult to get rid of them once your home is victim to a bedbug infestation. Often more than one treatment will be needed for bed bug exterminator to get your work done.

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If you are wondering which company to hire for the work, the Mother Nature in OKC is at your service. Our bed bug exterminator in Tulsa provides a flawless service and you can get rid of these nasty bugs within just few hours.