Preventive Steps To Control Rodent Infestation: What To Do?

One of the most common problems that many of the homeowners in Oklahoma have to face is the issue with rodents. If you own a house in Oklahoma, you would know how rodent infestation increases during the winters. You may even need to contact a rodent control in OKC.

The reason behind the increased infestation is that the rats and house mice do not get enough food during winters. They are short on their food supply. Also, the winter can be pretty harsh in Oklahoma. For these reasons, rodent in your area require shelter for which they start infesting your house.

Once the rodent infestation starts, it might be difficult for you to get rid of them without professional help. However, you can follow some preventive methods to make sure that there is no rodent infestation in your house.

Let’s take a look at what preventive methods you can use to keep these pests away.

Close The Entry Points:

You need to close the entry points through which the rodents can make their way in your house. Make sure to close any holes or openings that are more than even one-fourth of an inch wide. Also, you should check for any tears in your window screens and get them fixed.

According to the companies that help in rodent control in OKC, these pests can also enter from the chimneys. So, you need to cap the chimney. Also, make sure that there is no extra space around the hose in your house.

No Clutter Means No Rodent:

Rats and mice love clutter as it gives them enough space to hide. You may use your garage or basement or attic as a storage area. Often the storage areas in the house becomes cluttered with unwanted items. You can either take professional help to declutter your house or you can get rid of the unwanted items by yourself. The old newspapers, cardboard boxes, etc. can be breeding ground for rats and mice. Remove these as soon as possible.

Avoid Keeping Food Residue:

Rodents often infest your house because of food. So, you should make sure that they cannot find food at your place. Seal the food packages properly. Clean the kitchen or areas where you have food to make sure there is no residue.

Ask For Help:

Sometimes, in spite of trying so much, you might still see rodent infestation in your house. You should not delay in taking professional. Mother Nature Pest & Lawn provides seamless rodent control service in OKC that works like a magic. Give a call if you notice torn clothes or papers or any other signs of such infestation in your house.