Signs of Pest Infestation in Your Home

In the USA, most Americans spend lots of bucks on appointing pest control company. Besides, the termites cause massive damage to wooden furniture. When the homeowners realize the damage, it’s already too late . We don’t want to happen the same thing with you. This is what we have come up with this blog for you . Stick to the article till the end to know the signs of pest infestation.

Black droppings

Termites like bugs, cockroaches, ants, bed bugs leave droppings. If you find black droppings like coffee seeds, be confirmed that insects have already entered your home. Call the pest control professional without further delay.

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Musty smell

Each bug has a typical smell that distinguishes it from one another. Smelling rotting foods around the kitchen is a common issue, as the pests carry the food behind. Taking a keen look will help you to find rotting pieces of food and congregating problems, respectively. Besides, you will also find a robust urine-like smell around your home. That is a common factor once infestation begins.

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Damaged wooden furniture

Irrespective of the size of the bug, it can cause severe damage to your costly wooden furniture. Sawdust, peeling paint, hollow-sounding from wood frames are the signs of infestation. It is time to call the insect exterminator to get rid of the insects initially.

Damaged plants

Not only inside, but pests also cause damage to the plants. Gnaw marks in plant’s body are a sign of plant damage. Moreover dead and uneven grasses tell that it is also damaged. You should call the pest control professionals soon.

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Spider web in a corner

Check the corners once you find webs. Probably, you will find small and white egg-sacks that should be banished instantly. Use insect terminator to kill the insects before they grow in large numbers.

Do you want to get rid of the irritating and harmful pests in OKC? Mother Nature Pest & Lawn is the ultimate solution to obtain expert service at your doorstep. We will send one of our pest control professionals to your home as per your request. Leave us a message, and we will get back to you shortly.