Unknown Facts About Mosquitoes You Must Not Miss

Mosquito is one such insect that can never let you relax after a heavy and stressful day. It will always be ready to play a concert near your ear and make your evening an irritating one when you just try to have a drink and relax. You may have to call for an extensive mosquito treatment to get rid of this disturbance. However, to your surprise, you will be amazed to know that this pesky element has several facts that are quite interesting. You may never have heard of these facts before. Read on to explore and add these facts to your knowledge book.

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10 Amazing Fact about Mosquitoes

  • Male mosquitoes do not bite you. It is only the female one that sucks your blood and get the protein from it. This protein helps the mosquitoes to develop their eggs.

  • Mosquitoes are very infectious and can lead to several life threatening diseases like Dengue and Malaria.

  • These insects are very slow compared to wasps and flies. This biting insect can fly at a speed of 1 and 1`.5 mph.

  • Before mating with the male, the female mosquitoes get involved in a dance that is regarded as their call to response. They do it by beating their wings.

  • When we release CO2 from our breath, mosquitoes get attracted to us and decide who would be their next meal.

  • Throughout this planet, this irritating insect has almost 3000 different categories.

  • It has been revealed by many researchers that mosquitoes are able to suck three times more blood than their actual size.

  • It has also been found that a mosquito has a life span of only 2 months.

  • Dinosaurs and mosquitoes both are of Triassic period. But, one has gone to extinct thousand years ago, and the other one is building their empire every single day.

  • Every mosquito does not prefer to bite humans and suck their blood. There are certain categories of this insect that love to suck blood from other animals like birds or frogs.

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How to Get Rid of This Irritating and Dangerous Insect?

Calling a professional mosquito exterminator for treatment is the only solution that you can opt for. Otherwise, this harmful element can spread germs and life-threatening diseases. Before you fall sick, give a call to Mother Nature’s Pest & Lawn to get every mosquito of your house dead by their flawless service.